On our way out of town we stopped by the Old Spaghetti Factory, which we found after only one short block of backtracking (we're bound to find it on the first try next time). We got a table upstairs which overlooked the river. It was really nice and Sequoia loved her spaghetti and meatballs and my minestrone soup. Sequoia fell right asleep once we were back in Eugene. It was a really fantastic day.
We took a million pictures--please enjoy! Some of the first shots are from the last couple weeks. As you can see from the pictures--Sequoia really loves Elmo and Ernie a lot. =)
we're curious about the Yellow-Fest...is that Sequoia's doing, or a joint project?
How is it possible for her to just keep getting cuter?!?
We are always talking about colors, but usually lots of different ones in a small period of time, like flipping through a book about different colors. I thought it might be neat to focus on one color for a while, so we gathered up all the yellow things we could find. Then she took a bite of the banana, peel and all.
I imagine the face that followed was quite something to behold!
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