Monday, October 29, 2007

Howlin' Halloween...

And some fantastic bed head! We drove up to the zoo for their Howlin' Halloween event on Sunday. It was a blast! Many of the pens had special Halloween treats like pumpkins and paper bats. There was also a scavenger hunt for bigger kids.

Sequoia really liked looking at all the other kids in their costumes. She also had a lot of fun playing on the grass at lunch, sizing up with the polar bears (the size chart is a little off--she's now 27.5 inches tall and weighs about 18.5 pounds), and feeding herself a carrot at the rest stop on the way home.

It was a really nice day. We hope you enjoy these pictures!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Visual Confirmation of Teeth

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Sequoia now has teeth! Her bottom front teeth have started coming in. The bottom left is really starting to pop up and the bottom right tooth is just punching through. We haven't been able to get a good picture of her new teeth yet (they are really cute).

Here some cute pictures of the almost eight month old girl! She's really getting into climbing (check out her up on the self of the end table).

More Sequoia Movies

Sequoia Rain watching the rain

Sequoia playing on her changing table with Daddy (Parts 1 & 2)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sequoia Standing Movie

Here is a video of Sequoia standing up in her crib. We had to split it into two parts so they would fit on YouTube. She has some great giggles in these. Enjoy!

Part 1

Part 2

Friday, October 12, 2007

Standing Up

Sequoia amazed us last night by pulling herself up to standing all by herself! Now she is trying to pull herself up on everything and anything that she can reach. This has lead to a whole new view on what needs to be baby-proofed--time to clean off all the tops of the end tables.

Check out these pictures of our little cutie pie.


After receiving a wonderful new video camera (thank you!!) we finally get to post some movies with Sequoia in action. Look at this adorable little crawler/climber!

Sequoia's First Home Movie

Playtime (Parts 1 & 2)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Collection of Cell Phone Pictures

We finally were able to transfer our cell phone pictures to the computer so we can share all of them with you. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

7 Months and Mobile!

On September 14th, Sequoia figured out how to crawl! She is now very good at army crawling around the apartment and has explored the entire living room and dining room areas. She loves chasing the kitties who still haven't realized that she is mobile, so she can sneak up on them and attack them. She also loves to pull out all movies off of the bottom shelves (she'll actually pull them all out and then wait for us to put them back so she can pull them all out again). She is also having a lot of fun climbing things. She climbs over pillows, cats, and us. Dan had to lower her crib mattress so now she can't climb right out over the railing. She also loves climbing half way into her car seat and playing with the straps. She's getting faster at crawling and is trying so hard to pull up to standing (she can pull up to her knees already!)