Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Most Favoritist Picture

She is too adorable in this picture! Here are some more new pictures (she took some of them all by herself).

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Amazing Sequoia

Sequoia has been having so much fun dressing up and wearing as many hats and "hats" as possible. She is very into accessorizing right now. Most days she is running around the house wearing at least two hats and carrying at least two purses (I think she gets this from Dan).

We just had her 2-year check-up with the pediatrician, and she is doing great! She is now 25 pounds (25th percentile), 33.5 inches (40th percentile), and has a head circumference of 19 inches (70th percentile). We are very proud that she did so well with the doctor. She was fine during most of the check-up, and upon receiving a sticker, quickly got over the trauma of her shots (which she won't have any more until she's about four and a half years old).

To add to her amazing grocery stacking from a week ago, we have a series of block stacking as previewed here. We still have no idea how she was keeping them balanced with the tower over her head, but she was doing a great job with it. Her record so far is 20 blocks before the tower fell! She's going to make a great ninja one day.

Enjoy these fun new pictures of little Sequoia!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Sequoia's 2nd Birthday

Sequoia had a wonderful extended birthday celebration. For the actual day, Sequoia dressed up in her new pretty brown dress and we headed out to the Mall. She played at the play-area and was queen of the slide and the car. After a good amount of exercise we got a hot fudge sundae with mint chocolate chip and double chocolate ice cream. Sequoia believed the sundae made her feel like number one (as pictured below).

Sequoia has also enjoyed showing off her stacking skills while helping put the groceries away. She has also coined the fashion statement of dolly dresses being used as flashy hats. As for her current proof of genius, (we're allowed to call it that because we are her doting parents) she applied her recently learned concept of walking downhill, and created the word uphill to describe walking up a slope. As she had not heard the word uphill before, we find her word creation and concept application absolutely amazing and wonderful.

Enjoy these new pictures of our big toddler and her wonderful adventures!