Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Little Explorer

Sequoia has enjoyed exploring the entire apartment--crawling, walking, digging in boxes--basically anywhere that is remotely accessible to her. Daddy has baby-proofed all the cabinets in the kitchen except for one filled with pots and plastic containers for her amusement. We are also now official baby walkers as she loves to hold our fingers for balance as she chases the cats around the house. Check out these new pictures of this cute little adventurer.

Sequoia in Action

Sequoia's description of the rain falling outside

Sequoia feeding herself yogurt

Sequoia giggling with Mommy

Sequoia sorting the laundry

Sequoia walking with Mommy

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Playtime and Bathtime

Here are some pictures of Sequoia playing with her kitty Merlin, the baby girl passed out after a trip to the mall, and taking her ducky bath. So cute!