Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Little Explorer

Sequoia has enjoyed exploring the entire apartment--crawling, walking, digging in boxes--basically anywhere that is remotely accessible to her. Daddy has baby-proofed all the cabinets in the kitchen except for one filled with pots and plastic containers for her amusement. We are also now official baby walkers as she loves to hold our fingers for balance as she chases the cats around the house. Check out these new pictures of this cute little adventurer.

Sequoia in Action

Sequoia's description of the rain falling outside

Sequoia feeding herself yogurt

Sequoia giggling with Mommy

Sequoia sorting the laundry

Sequoia walking with Mommy

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Playtime and Bathtime

Here are some pictures of Sequoia playing with her kitty Merlin, the baby girl passed out after a trip to the mall, and taking her ducky bath. So cute!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Little Polar Bear

We just had to post these adorable pictures of little Sequoia in her new polar bear outfit (thank you Grandma Margaret and Grandpa Mark!) It is so soft and she is just too cute! She has a little bump on her head from trying to walk around the apartment, but it just adds character. Check these out =)

Monday, November 26, 2007


Sequoia just had her first Thanksgiving and turned nine months old. We spent the weekend visiting with Grandma Margaret and Grandpa Mark and enjoying some great food. Dan cooked the most awesome turkey, and now we have been eating our leftovers (since we ended up with enough food for like 15 people). Sequoia liked trying the turkey and feeding herself extra sharp cheddar cheese balls.

Aside from all the great food (especially the pie) we got to visit with family near and far for Thanksgiving. It was wonderful to see Ma and Pa and Auntie Katy, and we were happy to get to visit over the phone with all of Katie's family and Jemiah (who was representing the Walter clan). It was truly a great first Thanksgiving for little Sequoia.

We hope you enjoy these pictures of our big girl from these past few days.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Playing Peek-a-Boo

We were getting ready to go out last night, and while we were bundling Sequoia up, she started playing peek-a-boo with her Daddy!

Sequoia's Zoo Trip Videos

Playing at Lunch

Carrot Eating

Monday, October 29, 2007

Howlin' Halloween...

And some fantastic bed head! We drove up to the zoo for their Howlin' Halloween event on Sunday. It was a blast! Many of the pens had special Halloween treats like pumpkins and paper bats. There was also a scavenger hunt for bigger kids.

Sequoia really liked looking at all the other kids in their costumes. She also had a lot of fun playing on the grass at lunch, sizing up with the polar bears (the size chart is a little off--she's now 27.5 inches tall and weighs about 18.5 pounds), and feeding herself a carrot at the rest stop on the way home.

It was a really nice day. We hope you enjoy these pictures!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Visual Confirmation of Teeth

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Sequoia now has teeth! Her bottom front teeth have started coming in. The bottom left is really starting to pop up and the bottom right tooth is just punching through. We haven't been able to get a good picture of her new teeth yet (they are really cute).

Here some cute pictures of the almost eight month old girl! She's really getting into climbing (check out her up on the self of the end table).

More Sequoia Movies

Sequoia Rain watching the rain

Sequoia playing on her changing table with Daddy (Parts 1 & 2)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sequoia Standing Movie

Here is a video of Sequoia standing up in her crib. We had to split it into two parts so they would fit on YouTube. She has some great giggles in these. Enjoy!

Part 1

Part 2

Friday, October 12, 2007

Standing Up

Sequoia amazed us last night by pulling herself up to standing all by herself! Now she is trying to pull herself up on everything and anything that she can reach. This has lead to a whole new view on what needs to be baby-proofed--time to clean off all the tops of the end tables.

Check out these pictures of our little cutie pie.


After receiving a wonderful new video camera (thank you!!) we finally get to post some movies with Sequoia in action. Look at this adorable little crawler/climber!

Sequoia's First Home Movie

Playtime (Parts 1 & 2)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Collection of Cell Phone Pictures

We finally were able to transfer our cell phone pictures to the computer so we can share all of them with you. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

7 Months and Mobile!

On September 14th, Sequoia figured out how to crawl! She is now very good at army crawling around the apartment and has explored the entire living room and dining room areas. She loves chasing the kitties who still haven't realized that she is mobile, so she can sneak up on them and attack them. She also loves to pull out all movies off of the bottom shelves (she'll actually pull them all out and then wait for us to put them back so she can pull them all out again). She is also having a lot of fun climbing things. She climbs over pillows, cats, and us. Dan had to lower her crib mattress so now she can't climb right out over the railing. She also loves climbing half way into her car seat and playing with the straps. She's getting faster at crawling and is trying so hard to pull up to standing (she can pull up to her knees already!)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

6 Months Old!

It is hard to believe that she is already six months old. Sequoia is now such a big girl! She is wearing 6-9 months clothes and weighs about 16 pounds. We are on that last box of diapers debating if we can go one more pack of size 2 before we have to size up to size 3 (time to move to cruisers--the special crawling diapers).

She can't quite crawl yet, but she is trying very hard. She is a master at pivoting and rolling, and she can almost sit all on her own. She is also very proficient at grabbing toys and hanging onto them for long periods of time.

Sequoia is also very vocal. She loves babbling and giving us raspberries. She has a mantra that repeats to herself when she is falling asleep--she will say her name to herself over and over again (quoia, quoia, quoia). She will also say "boo" when we are playing peek-a-boo, "poo" when her diaper is getting changed, and an assortment of sounds that do sound a lot like "I love you" and "Hello." I think "Dada" is only about a week a way (I'm hoping she'll have it down by the time Daddy comes home from Quals).

On her 6 month-day she tried rice cereal for the first time. Since then, she's now tried oatmeal and sweet potatoes. She absolutely loves the sweet potatoes. We are aiming to try some peas this weekend.

She still loves playing with her Space Tube and her Bear Book (which is getting some nice wear and tear marks). She also loves paper, so we're constantly trying to keep Daddy's math books out of harm's way. She has also bonded with Merlin (one of our cats). They love to play together in the afternoon and he is great at just letting her pull his fur and ears.

Check out these cute pictures of the little love on her special six-month day.

Second Zoo Trip

After having so much fun at the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa, we had to go back. So on the 23rd of August, we decided to go back and as a wedding anniversary present to ourselves we became Zoo Members. Now we can take unlimited zoo trips for the next year, hooray!

This time we packed up a sack lunch of peanut butter, honey, and raisin sandwiches for Mommy and Daddy. We had an excellent time, even though it got a little warm. Sequoia didn't get to see her bats this time, since the second we stepped into the viewing area she fell fast asleep. Apparently the flapping of all the little wings was very comforting.

Mommy got a huge treat and got to see the wolves twice! We also got a cute little ocelot sticker for our car with the zoo membership. Then on the way out of the park, we stopped by the gift shop and bought Daddy some yummy fudge, and a little stuffed panther for Sequoia.

We are looking forward to our future trips with Sequoia--check out these cute pictures of this little outing!

Aquarium and Beach Outing

A week after going to the Zoo, we decided to take a trip up the coast to the Newport Aquarium. Sequoia really liked the Aquarium since all the animals were close to the glass and she could reach out and almost touch them.

After looking at all the neat fish and jellies, we took a walk through the outdoor area which housed the sea otters, sea lions, and octopus exhibits. We met a very friendly sea otter which was equally curious about Sequoia as she was with him. He swam back and forth, rolling over in front of her for a good five minutes. She had so much fun (and so did the large crowd of people behind us who were watching the otter play with Sequoia).

After we were all done at the Aquarium, we drove to a nearby beach and introduced her to her cousin Addie's favorite food, sand! Sequoia tried to get two fists of sand into her mouth right away, but as you can see in the pictures, it didn't taste as good as she was hoping. The ocean was a little to cold for her liking, so instead of playing in the water, we took a nice little nap on the beach. Another great day!

First Trip to the Zoo

We met Grandma and Grandpa (Margaret and Mark) at the Portland Zoo on August 4th for Sequoia's big first trip to the zoo! It was a really nice visit and Sequoia had so much fun looking at the animals (those that were close enough for her to notice at least). I also got a great workout carrying around the little 14 pounder in her Baby Bjorn.

She really had fun visiting with her grandparents (and it only took her a couple hours to remember them this time...so maybe by Thanksgiving, she'll know exactly who they are from the get go). Sequoia had a great time being cute and showing off for Grandma and Grandpa.

Amongst her favorite exhibits were the fruit bats (all their flying was very interesting) and she loved looking at the Polar Bears with Grandma.

We finished off our wonderful day with Sequoia's first trip to a sit-down restaurant, the Spaghetti Factory. We made it through the salads, but we got a little tired, so Mommy and baby got to take a little nap in the car for the rest of dinner. What a wonderful day! Here are some great pictures from our little excursion.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sequoia at 5 months

She just keeps getting cuter and cuter! At five months Sequoia's chubby little thighs really fill out the leg holes on her Bumbo chair (she's almost gotten stuck in it a couple times). Her three favorite toys are her Space Tube, her bear book from Grandma and Grandpa, and the kitties (when she can get a hold of them). She is now a pro at rolling over both ways, sucking on her thumbs and toes, sitting up with some support, and going on long outings with Mommy and Daddy.

She has had a very full month of going to the Zoo and visiting the Aquarium and the beach for the very first time. Check out these pictures of our little explorer!

Monday, August 27, 2007

4 Months Old--So Many New Tricks!

At about four months old, Sequoia started rolling over one way really well, holding her head up so she could try out sitting in her pink Bumbo chair, and getting up on her elbows to try and crawl.

Her dexterity greatly improved over this month, and her repertoire of toys increased. What a sweet little one!

Also her Daddy shaved for the first time since he grew in his mustache back in junior high--check out these cute pictures of Sequoia with her silly Daddy!

Ready for big girl clothes (3 months old)

Sequoia finally fit into her two piece outfits...ooh such a cutie pie! We also set up her high chair so we could finally eat dinner together at the the table. She loves sitting in her high chair--it became a game of 'lock and load--ready for blast off!' Our little future astronaut =)

We also started taking outings to the grocery store and the mall together to start getting her used to being around a lot of people. She's been the favorite baby at the grocery store ever since.

Check out these cute pictures of the little growing girl.

Happy 12 week old girl

Sequoia started smiling and sitting up against our legs around this time. We also bought her a little Rainforest play chair that she absolutely loved (and still really enjoys now).

We really enjoyed this new level of interaction with our little girl. She is such an absolute joy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Sequoia girl 8-10 weeks

Little Sequoia absolutely loved flying around in Daddy's arms during these early weeks. I can't believe how tiny she was. Back then she couldn't do a whole lot on her own, but we had so much fun just carrying her around like good Mommy and Daddy taxis.

Please enjoy these pictures of little Sequoia with her cute little round face.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Introducing Sequoia

Sequoia entered our lives on February 24th, 2007 after 40 weeks and two days of anticipation. She weighed 7 lbs 9oz and was 19 inches long. She was also covered in fuzzy dark hair, and when she finally opened her eyes, we saw that they were baby slate grey. Thankfully for me, it was a relatively easy and short labor.

We spent one night in the hospital and then were more than ready to get this little one to her new home and introduce her to the awaiting kitties. Over the next pretty sleepless week, we tried getting use to being parents with the help of Sequoia's Grandma Margaret and Grandpa Mark.
See some early pictures of Sequoia here.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Page Under Construction

Hello Family and Friends of Sequoia!

We're following in Laura, Mike, and Addie Ray's footsteps, and setting up a blog for little Sequoia. Since I still have another week until I'm a full time stay-at-home mommy, the page will be under construction for a while. We're looking forward to sharing all our stories and pictures with you all!

Katie, Dan, and Sequoia