Friday, January 11, 2008

Big Girl in Cute Jeans and New Mittens

Check out our cutie pie in her adorable jeans and new shirts (and her new knit sweater and mittens!) Sequoia has just joined Gymboree and loves socializing with the other toddlers--and we all love bubble time! She has even climbed on a few of the other moms while she's been exploring. It is a great experience for her (and for us -- getting to see her interact and learn to play with other little ones). This is just such a fun time of exploration. Enjoy these new pictures!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

White Christmas in California

We had a great trip down to California for Christmas! We were able to spend about ten days visiting with family and friends and it was fantastic.

Sequoia experienced her first snow while we were there. There are some adorable pictures of Sequoia checking out a snowball with Daddy. She also had fun walking around in her pretty red dress (for a little while at least). I think by the end of our trip she was starting to figure out how to rip open packages, so we think she'll be more than ready to help tear open her gifts and anyone else's that she can get her little hands on.

Thank you to everyone for making our holidays so special this year!

We hope you enjoy these fun pictures of our wonderful white Christmas!

More Thanksgiving Pictures

Here are some more pictures of our wonderful Thanksgiving that we had here in Eugene. Check out the picture perfect turkey that Dan cooked and the world's best pies that Grandma Margaret baked.