Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Miracles Do Happen!

Yes. This is Sequoia sleeping on her own in her own bed with Dolly!

This is Sequoia feeding herself breakfast with a spoon and making very little mess!

Sequoia is growing by leaps and bounds! In the past week she has added new words to her vocabulary (including PaPa, tree, pretty, otter, bird, purple, toast, and crunchie), she started dancing with her feet (it looks like some form of tap dancing), she has a new way that she smiles where she scrunches up her eyes and gives a big grin (yet to be caught on camera), she can feed herself with a spoon (as long as the food she's eating sticks to the spoon), and as of last night, she is sleeping on her own in her toddler bed. She is also very opinionated, and is very melodramatic if she doesn't get her way, or if we don't respond fast enough to her whims. Wow!

She is going through a large growth spurt (or she will soon be the size of a whale...) as she is eating constantly. She has her three normal meals plus six to seven snacks. This is good since she was almost too tall for her infant car seat, but didn't weigh enough for her next car seat. Now she is in her new fancy forward facing car seat which she finds very comfortable and much more interesting. Around the house she is now tall enough that she can reach up and pull things off the edges of the dinner table and nothing in or on the dvd racks is safe.

We rearranged our bedroom and converted her crib to a toddler bed yesterday. We are proud to say that she actually slept in it the whole night! She woke up about five times, but I was able to get her to fall back asleep rather quickly each time. She did get in bed with us around 7am for morning nursing, but she did sleep on her own for almost 8 hours (not counting the momentary wakings of course).

So many new and wonderful developments. This is definitely one of the many magical times! Enjoy these new pictures!

Thank you Grandpa!

A few weeks ago, Sequoia, Dan, and myself all came down with a horrible stomach flu. Sequoia bounced back the next day, but Dan and I were pretty rough. So wonderful Grandpa jumped on a plane to Eugene and helped take care of all of us. It really made a wonderful difference in our recovery and Sequoia had a great time with her PaPa (her name for her Grandpa).

So here are some pictures of the two of them having fun making dinner together. Really, really thank you Pa for taking such great care of us!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Springtime Stylin'

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring Break

We had a wonderful Spring Break with Grandma and Grandpa (and even a fun visit with Auntie Katy). We ate great food, had wonderful visiting, Sequoia showed off all of her talents, shared Sequoia hugs and kisses, and spent a rainy/snowy day at the Portland Zoo. It was a wonderful time. We can't wait to see Grandma and Grandpa again (she has been carrying around their picture as a substitute in the meantime).

Check out these pictures from our great visit!