We are enjoying this unusual amount of Christmas holiday snow. We had somewhere between 3 and 4 inches of snow Monday morning. Dan really wanted to make a snowman, but unfortunately the snow was a little too powdery. Snowballs just turn to snow spray. We layered up in all our knit winterwear and played in the snow at the park. Sequoia really enjoyed it. She liked it even more when we got back home and she got to have some warm hot chocolate.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Snow Days
We are enjoying this unusual amount of Christmas holiday snow. We had somewhere between 3 and 4 inches of snow Monday morning. Dan really wanted to make a snowman, but unfortunately the snow was a little too powdery. Snowballs just turn to snow spray. We layered up in all our knit winterwear and played in the snow at the park. Sequoia really enjoyed it. She liked it even more when we got back home and she got to have some warm hot chocolate.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Thanksgiving was a success this year--we actually ate on time! Dan's turkey was fantastic, I found a stuffing recipe that is definitely a keeper, and Margaret's pies were divine as usual.
Sequoia wasn't too interested in the turkey feast since she was on her eating nothing but cereal, fruit, and cheese phase. Dan also kept us all entertained with many balloon animals and a special Thanksgiving wreath. After a day of Sequoia play and eating lots of food, the three of us fell promptly asleep around 8 pm.
We had a great Thanksgiving this year, and a great preview to how wonderful the Christmas holiday will be with Sequoia this year. Last year Sequoia slept through many of the holiday festivities, and when she was awake she was still learning how to walk. This year is going to be so much fun! Sequoia is now talking up a storm and she loves playing and running around. We are also looking forward to getting together with Sequoia's cousin Addie so the two toddlers can play together.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Reading with Daddy
Check out these new pictures of Sequoia playing with balloon animals, reading books, having a tea party and showing off her puddle-stomping boots!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy Halloween!
We hope you all had a great Halloween too! Enjoy these cute Sequoia pictures =)
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sequoia's Great Adventures
Here's some new pictures with some of Sequoia's new outfits and a hat I just knit for her (well it still needs edging, but finished enough...)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Princess Sequoia
Enjoy these pictures of her Highness!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
More of Sequoia Doing Cute Things
Sequoia Dancing with and Walking Her Duck
Along with walking her duckie around the house, she also likes to play a game where we chase her with the duckie. When we finally catch her, she plops down and has the duckie kiss her toes and belly.
Sequoia Doing the Gymbo Dance
Monday, September 1, 2008
New Adorable and Amazing Sequoia Videos
Sequoia Yoga
Sequoia Counts to Five (well, actually two to five)
Sequoia Counts to Five (well, actually two to five)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Summer Friday at the Zoo
On our way out of town we stopped by the Old Spaghetti Factory, which we found after only one short block of backtracking (we're bound to find it on the first try next time). We got a table upstairs which overlooked the river. It was really nice and Sequoia loved her spaghetti and meatballs and my minestrone soup. Sequoia fell right asleep once we were back in Eugene. It was a really fantastic day.
We took a million pictures--please enjoy! Some of the first shots are from the last couple weeks. As you can see from the pictures--Sequoia really loves Elmo and Ernie a lot. =)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Sequoia Looking at Addie
Sequoia loves looking at Addie's blog. She asks to look at it at least once a day (usually much much more). We think it is so cute how she says "Addie!"
Sunday, July 20, 2008
16 Months
Sequoia is doing all sorts of amazing things now. She can say over 70 words now, ranging from animal names and sounds to colors to food to more abstract things like "why?". She is currently working on learning "please" and "thank you" and says them both with very adorable smiles. She has also started following directions pretty well, and understanding simple explanations for various whys. She is also becoming more proficient with a spoon and fork, but we still have a long way to go in technique and neatness. Sequoia has also started asking for specific things when she wants them which has made our jobs a little easier, but a little harder at times. She loves playing with bubbles and getting dressed up with her sunglasses and purse. We're just absolutely enjoying all of her wonderful new toddler antics.
We also recently were able to make a quick visit down to California for the 4th of July weekend. We had a wonderful time. We spent all day Saturday up at Pinecrest Lake for Mamoe's (Margaret) birthday. We had a great time visiting with everyone there--Ma and Pa, Chuck and Claire, Jemiah and Serena, Sissy and Mike, and Auntie Katy. Sequoia loved the lake and had so much fun splashing in the water along the shore. Daddy and Mommy also got a chance to go kayaking around the lake with Jemiah and Katy.
On Sunday we spent the day with Katie's family. We had a great time visiting with Poppie, Dad, Kelly and Kevin, April, and Signe. Sequoia got to open some fun presents while we were there. The activity box from April has been a huge hit. She thinks it is hilarious as seen in the laughing video. She's also been having fun trying to push the mice around the track from Kelly and Kevin. It was a great visit both days. We wish that we could have stayed longer, and are looking forward to our next trip down.
Here are some recent pictures of Sequoia having fun.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Naptime with Daddy
Sequoia took her afternoon nap on her daddy's shoulder. It was too cute! Enjoy these peaceful pictures of Sequoia along with some showing off her destructive and goofy nature.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Cute Spoon Eating
We are finally using our baby monitors! In preparation of Mommy's return to school in a couple weeks, we've started an earlier bedtime routine. She is starting to get the hang of having her last late night snack, brushing her teeth, the last diaper change, pajama time, story time, and then sleepy time. She now goes to bed awake and falls asleep in her bed pretty much on her own. This is very different from the mommy=mattress situation we had before. So of course, Dan and I are using this quiet time to grade papers, do homework and housework--eventually we'll find time to relax.
Enjoy these pictures of Sequoia's silly faces and her cute purple toe toes.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Miracles Do Happen!
This is Sequoia feeding herself breakfast with a spoon and making very little mess!
Sequoia is growing by leaps and bounds! In the past week she has added new words to her vocabulary (including PaPa, tree, pretty, otter, bird, purple, toast, and crunchie), she started dancing with her feet (it looks like some form of tap dancing), she has a new way that she smiles where she scrunches up her eyes and gives a big grin (yet to be caught on camera), she can feed herself with a spoon (as long as the food she's eating sticks to the spoon), and as of last night, she is sleeping on her own in her toddler bed. She is also very opinionated, and is very melodramatic if she doesn't get her way, or if we don't respond fast enough to her whims. Wow!
She is going through a large growth spurt (or she will soon be the size of a whale...) as she is eating constantly. She has her three normal meals plus six to seven snacks. This is good since she was almost too tall for her infant car seat, but didn't weigh enough for her next car seat. Now she is in her new fancy forward facing car seat which she finds very comfortable and much more interesting. Around the house she is now tall enough that she can reach up and pull things off the edges of the dinner table and nothing in or on the dvd racks is safe.
We rearranged our bedroom and converted her crib to a toddler bed yesterday. We are proud to say that she actually slept in it the whole night! She woke up about five times, but I was able to get her to fall back asleep rather quickly each time. She did get in bed with us around 7am for morning nursing, but she did sleep on her own for almost 8 hours (not counting the momentary wakings of course).
So many new and wonderful developments. This is definitely one of the many magical times! Enjoy these new pictures!
She is going through a large growth spurt (or she will soon be the size of a whale...) as she is eating constantly. She has her three normal meals plus six to seven snacks. This is good since she was almost too tall for her infant car seat, but didn't weigh enough for her next car seat. Now she is in her new fancy forward facing car seat which she finds very comfortable and much more interesting. Around the house she is now tall enough that she can reach up and pull things off the edges of the dinner table and nothing in or on the dvd racks is safe.
We rearranged our bedroom and converted her crib to a toddler bed yesterday. We are proud to say that she actually slept in it the whole night! She woke up about five times, but I was able to get her to fall back asleep rather quickly each time. She did get in bed with us around 7am for morning nursing, but she did sleep on her own for almost 8 hours (not counting the momentary wakings of course).
So many new and wonderful developments. This is definitely one of the many magical times! Enjoy these new pictures!
Thank you Grandpa!
So here are some pictures of the two of them having fun making dinner together. Really, really thank you Pa for taking such great care of us!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Spring Break
Check out these pictures from our great visit!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Dancing with Daddy
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Sleepy Time
Friday, February 29, 2008
Her Daddy's Girl
On Thursdays we normally go to Gymboree for Sequoia's class, but since she is still a little sick we decided it would be best for the other kids if we stayed home instead. Sequoia had other plans. Around 5:05 pm (which is around the time we usually leave the house for her class) she walked over to her car seat and started shaking it back and forth and babbling, obviously letting us know that we were running late for class. Dan and I looked at each other--she couldn't possible know that it was Thursday, could she? Well, she wanted to go out, so we put her socks and new big size 5 shoes on and packed up my purse, and we headed out to the mall to walk around.
When we got to the mall, we left the stroller in the car since she insists on walking everywhere. Dan set her down on the ground and held her hand while we started our lap past all the stores. She started window shopping, but she didn't seem too interested in anything in particular. Then she smelled chocolate in the air, and quickly made a beeline for the Euphoria Chocolate store. She ran in the store and started looking over their chocolate truffle selection. We spent about five minutes in the store looking at various chocolates before we could pull her away to walk the rest of the mall. She's definitely her daddy's little girl--chocoholics all round =)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Sequoia's 1st Birthday!

She got some great presents for her special day. Grandma made her a special sleepy time dolly that she now carries around everywhere (we even put dolly to bed at night and she can't wait to say good morning to her dolly). She got some pretty new dresses and outfits too.
We had her one year check up with her doctor today, and everything, aside from her little cold, looked great. She's about 18.5 pounds and 29.5 inches tall (20th percentile in weight and 65th in height), so she's tall and skinny. She also got a new book from her doctor today, which already has some great teeth marks in it.
We hope you enjoy all these cute birthday pictures of our adorable girl! Thank you to everyone for sending birthday wishes.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Walkin' Series
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Almost One Year Old!
We can't believe how close it is getting to Sequoia's first birthday. She is almost walking (random steps here and there for the time being). It is kind of like big foot--we can't seem to get it on film.
Aside from almost walking, she is starting to understand a lot more words, she can see the difference between cats and dogs now, and she can put things in boxes instead of just emptying everything (even though the emptying activity is still her favorite)--on top of all that she can also drink fairly well out of a cup! Lately she has also started crawling and walking around the apartment with blocks or her teething ring in her mouth roaring--it's hilarious--and she wants to be carried around so she can point at things so we can tell her what they are called. Now she can say Daddy, Momma, duck, cat, dog, dat (her word for that when she wants to know what it is called, or if she wants something that she can't reach), toe, and down. Plus she loves clapping, so anytime she does something exciting (like throwing a block) she claps for herself, and she claps along with people on tv shows.
We have been going to Gymboree for about a month now, and she loves it there. She does pretty well with the other kids and mommies, but the sight of any other daddy makes her cry. We love how none of the toddlers in her group have normal names--the only other girl is Monroe, and then the boys are Brody, Cole, Seth, Jackson, and Justice--can you tell that this is Eugene?
Well, we are having a great time with Sequoia and watching her master all of her new tricks--which also includes being tall enough to climb on top of the coffee table by herself (she's about 29" tall and 20 pounds). We miss all of you and are looking forward to upcoming visits during Spring Break (we don't expect any snow then). Enjoy these pictures in the meantime!
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