On Thursdays we normally go to Gymboree for Sequoia's class, but since she is still a little sick we decided it would be best for the other kids if we stayed home instead. Sequoia had other plans. Around 5:05 pm (which is around the time we usually leave the house for her class) she walked over to her car seat and started shaking it back and forth and babbling, obviously letting us know that we were running late for class. Dan and I looked at each other--she couldn't possible know that it was Thursday, could she? Well, she wanted to go out, so we put her socks and new big size 5 shoes on and packed up my purse, and we headed out to the mall to walk around.
When we got to the mall, we left the stroller in the car since she insists on walking everywhere. Dan set her down on the ground and held her hand while we started our lap past all the stores. She started window shopping, but she didn't seem too interested in anything in particular. Then she smelled chocolate in the air, and quickly made a beeline for the Euphoria Chocolate store. She ran in the store and started looking over their chocolate truffle selection. We spent about five minutes in the store looking at various chocolates before we could pull her away to walk the rest of the mall. She's definitely her daddy's little girl--chocoholics all round =)